Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"x-frog" mutant

hmms k.. mondays lab was urms.. ehs. arrs.. really really..
*/edit/* "horrigible, corrgible and vegetable..!!!!" */edit/*

ok there was that pig.. it was:-
-superly mutilated
-organs were hanging out
-organs in the wrong place (and we were always told, hw to we know that thats the rite organ..? cos its in the rite place.. like. yes rite.. -.-")
-liver was perforated.. gall bladder was missing.. so was pancreas (it looks as though someone shot my pig)

so given the dire state of the pig.. how the hell am i supposed to identify the labelled organs..? (oh wait some of the labels were falling off as well)

then there was the OTHER pig... this case it was a transverse around the abdominal section.. yes.. some small tubes and some larger tubes.. and some things that dun look like tubes.. so once again we draw sketch and label.?? like how the hell are we meant to label.?? oh yes there was some glandular looking thing that was probably the spleen/pancreas/some other random thing)...

and then there was the 2 fotographs of the PIGS (third and fourth fetal pig to date for the test).. there were in black and white.. and blurr.. like poor resolution and all.. so we had to identify the urogenital structure of the frogs.. and label structures such as allantois, vas deferens, epidedermis, testes, bladder ureter, urethra, ****,****,****,****,****,..............

finally there was the FROG.. the x-frog.. there was that one yellow glandular-look-alike-kinda-organ.. so it could have been the pancreas or adrenal gland or the kidney, or the gonads, or the balls, or the caecum.. basically.. it could almost be everything that could be found in the pelvic region.. for me. i wrote pancreas.. however....jus before the time was up, i found its counterpart. hence in conclusion.. i declare my frog an anomaly as it has 2 pancreas.. hence the x-frog mutant. as such, i believe my frog can spit fire.. turn invisible and cook instant noodles.. -.-"

oh and yes in case u were wonderin.. i am in choop's room again.. "studying" and "muggin (1)". and yet here i am bloggin. youtubing.. listening to music.. dropping my fone on the floor, throwing my water bottle on the floor, throwing my water bottle on my fone.. basically doing everything but studying..

(1) for the definition of muggin please refer to 2 post back.. :)

"the perturbed mind of medical students-groping and harassing statues"

random quote: "i should burn my notes then dissolve them in water and drink them.. only in that way am i really "absorbing" my notes"

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