Thursday, May 08, 2008

normal sustems 2008

Normal Systems

This unit is not a unit. It is a UNIT“S”. see, with a 12 points weightage (out of a possible of 24) this unit is huge, like HUGE kinda HUGE. so the following is an succinct and vaguely accurate on-goings of the unit

Gastrointestinal tract

Few key concepts

  • Diarrhea is bad (and it is important to know how to spell diarrhea, not DIE-HORREA) though, having said that, if you have uncontrolled diarrhea, “you will have to die” (quote unquote lecturer)

  • “drink tea, it keeps you hydrated, it keeps you awake, and it keeps u anemic”

  • DO NOT EVER mix the tongue with the lips. Well whoever does that has to be really thick.. really really thick.. as thick as me for that matter

  • no diarrhea is good. Once again get the spelling right

  • oesophagus can also be spelled esophagus, but NEVER pronounced as “EU-sopha-goose”

  • dietary guidelines for people:

  • drink more (indiscriminately?)

  • eat more (indiscriminately?)

  • eat plenty of cereals, like plenty plenty (then u might end up being anemic as well)
    p450 is the coolest thing ever. But I have no idea what it is.

  • one of the functions of the hard palate and the oral cavity is that of “ancillary functions, followed by mastication of food” in that particular order

  • and "NO" wei hao. somatostatin is not the answer to any qn regarding unknown hormones in the gastro tract

Endocrine System

  • once again p450scc is at the forefront of cutting edge lectures, this time it is a side chain cleavage thingy that does…. Oh wait it does…? Well it must do nothing then……..

  • positive and negative feedback? Dun bother with the terms, more of this less of that, less of this more of that. Simple. Jus like more of oil less of water, more of water less of oil, or like more of school work, less of sleep, see it all makes sense somehow.

  • p450 is a enzyme…… urh-hem someone.. not a planet

  • 3b-hydroxy-steroid-dehydrognase/isomerase is quite important to remember if not for any other reason but to write in down wherever u dun noe the answer.. because it sounds important

  • bringing dice to anatomy labs with open ended qn’s dun help

  • if there are indeed mcq qns qith 4 options, “5” means re-roll, “6” means skip qn

Urogenital and reproductive system

  • anatomist are disorganized people. They give different things the same name..

  • frenulum in the lip, the tongue.. and the last one.. go wiki it or smething

  • round ligaments are apparently not restricted to the liver

  • urogenital diaphragm is pronounced “eu-ro-genital dia-frag-mumn”

  • there was once an organization known as FOAD (Fetal Origins of Adult Disease), however, internet lingo has the acronym used for another purpose (cough cough)(go igure with your own creativity), hence, the named was scrapped soon after

  • anticlimax does not refer to the last stage of sexual cycle in humans

  • bats have menstrual cycles (think bat guano)

  • during pregnancy, “maternal reserves” is a diplomatic term to describe weight gain

if u have read through all that, congrats and sorry for enduring all that nonsense. if u have not gone through all that, you are not meant to have read this paragraph anyways so good riddence. wells this is it for now. till the next post, keep well, happy and way way clear from tea. nitexz =P

jonathan gettin fascinated by standing highlights (i.e. mine?!?! grr)

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