Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 things i did not know i knew about me - an extract from facebook

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1: despite all the talk and planning, i never want to ever run anyone over with a car, well not my car at least, find someone else's and i might do it for you, i doubt if i will ever miss

2: if you people think "the way to the man's heart is through his stomach", you are barking up the wrong tree

3: if you cross me, i will ignore that. if you cross me again, i will still ignore that. but if i do cross you back, you've got real skills.

4: despite all my cajoling, i may actually know a thing or two from university studies

5: silence does not mean consent.

6: despite all my joking around, i'd rather actually be quiet in one corner most of the time (introvert: hah back at you terrence :P)

7: to me, people who speed are hoons, and idiots unless there are no other cars on the road

8: a reckless driver does not make a skilled driver, just like a fast driver does not make a reckless driver

9: i enjoy running because of the company i am in, not because i like my legs stared at by a certain someone and ass groped by a certain other someone, both guys unfortunately

10: i truly enjoy work, not just because of the air conditioning and the illusion that i have access to s8 drugs

11: i'd rather have a few close friends i can talk to than a whole bunch of them i cannot relate to

12: i am NOT underweight

13: i don't call anywhere home

14: my english skills are getting worse, which explains my poor essay marks, that and the last minute work put into it

15: maths was never my thing, and one of the main things i tried to avoid when picking a university course

16: ask me why i study what i study and i will hit you, or say "world peace" but there is more to it than that

17: i am not a pessimist, just a realistic person who has seen a few things

18: i'd rather not hope for too much only to be disappointed later, which happens very often to me

19: if you are waiting for me to update my blog, you can wait for a while, cause blog writing is not one of my main past times

20: i rather spend some quiet time with good friends at a quiet spot doing nothing than out partying somewhere

21: songs are one of the things i indulge in, and is one of my few outlets

22: i only decided to write this because i got tagged 5 times and everyone else is doing it, but NO, that does not mean that i like to "follow the crowd"

23: i'd rather not make decisions

24: the only thing i am good at is hitting my head on things, which may explain why i am not good at anything else

25: i do not think i am a great driver/guy/friend/singer/pool player, no honestly, i do not.

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